Thursday, October 9, 2014

Maze Runner

On Sunday I went to the movies and saw Maze Runner with Ashley. When we first got into the theatre we were the only ones there. Ten minutes later, Ashley was laughing really lound because we were still the only people in there. Then a group of about 8-10 elderly people walked in and sat on the botom row. It was a 9:00 show so we didnt really expect them to be there. A few minutes later about 4 more people came in. We were the only ones in the top row so I started reading on my phone while the previews were on. Ashley took a picture of me about to eat a skittle while reading and posted it on instagram.
'The Maze Runner': Eerie concept art revealed for YA movie adaptation | Inside Movies |

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


It all started on November 14, Erica was eating Cheez-its and choked on one. It wasn't a big deal till she choked again, and then again a 3rd time. The next day we all started to make fun of her because of the previous day. We made fun of her by taking a cheez-it and pretending to choke on it. It turned out that some people actually choked on them and nobody knew the difference. The teachers tryed to put a stop to the issue but it still happened, and nearly 2 kids a day choked on a cheez-it. So they banned them at lunch. They got rid of everyones favorite joke and snack, well everyone except Erica.
Photo writing prompt: Tell the story.
8 Week 8

Thursday, September 25, 2014


This weekend I am going to get pumkins to carve with my mom. We are going to a patch in Illinois because the one we usally go to was bought out last year. Just my mom and I are going because my brothers and sister are going to my grandparents house and this was the only weekend we could go.
I haven't been trick or treating in 3 years, I've always stayed home and watched movies. While the rest of my family goes out. This is the only holiday I'm aloud to skip, but this year I want to go spend New Years with Emily. In order to do that I have to spend Halloween with my family.
Pumpkins for Halloween

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Never Forget

I 'll never forget the week I spent with my friend Emily. First we got lost in the woods and didn't come back til a half hour after we were supose to, making us late for church that night. We went to the mall and followed around some guys at the mall that we knew from school. Singing really loud in the car in the wallgreens parking lot, and diffenently I will never forget watching Gossip Girl for the last 2 days I was there and never leaving the house. I believe we finished a season and a half. We ate raw tomatoes with Sara in the middle of the night and crashing her date the next day.
“What is it that you are absolutely sure you will never forget about being this age, and why have adults forgotten it?” – Amanda Mae Meyncke, who said this about the prompt: “Remembering what it’s like to be a kid is insanely profitable. I tell high-schoolers and college kids to write everything down because you think you’ll remember, but you won’t.”  [This is a remake of an older prompt.]
8 Week 7

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Last weekend I went to my uncle's wedding. It was an outside wedding over looking a river where it had a waterfall. It was absolutly gorgous! During the ceromony, I cryed a little because I absolutly love weddings. I watch all kinds of wedding shows every day after school. After the ceromony we went to go take pictures all together, I went to go get in the picture with the rest of my family but my older cousin Audrey stppoed me, she told me I wasn't suppose to be in the picture because it was only close family. Apparently she didn't know my dad was his brother and got really embarassed because she wasn't even suppose to be in that picture and I was.
Sacred Jordan River

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

All About Me Poster


Last summer I went to Flordia with my friend Kenzie. We spent most of the week on the beach, swimming and just walking around. Kenzie and I also went to Universle Studios and Sea World, for 2 days. We were planning on staying a full week, but had to leave 2 days early because of the rain. 
The last day that we were there, we were sitting on the balcony of our resort and there was an alligator in the pond. There was all kinds of people gathering around the outside of the pond observing the alligator. 
Best Florida Beaches - Top 10 Beaches in Florida

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


9/11 was the date the planes crashed into the twin towers. A lot of people died during this act, its sad that such cool buildings got destroyed. I think its good that 9/11 is remembered and well-known. Many people died and will be remembered here on throughout. It must have been a shock to the family memebers of the victims.
Day to Night at Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur - Day 1 in Malaysia
The Chronicles of Mariane

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Big Brother

Last night Big Brother came on. It was veto night where they had to play in a competition to see who won the veto. whoever wins the veto gets to save somebody from going home, if they chose to. Nicole and Christine were both placed on the block (to get evicted). Christine ended up winning the compeition because derrick threw the competition. Nicole fell out the same round he did making Christine win the power of veto. Derrick probably made the stupidist dessition to throw it at the very end. Even though he threw it to give Nicole a chance to win the competition, she got out on her own.

CBS Announces the 16 New ‘Big Brother’ Houseguests - Ratings |

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Onion and Garlic Flavored Bubble Gum

Thank you for the onion and garlic flavored bubble gum. It made my breath smell really bad but it was actually pretty tasty. I extremly appreciate you for letting me try it. There are also many other flovors I saw at the store the other day, like tomato and spagetti. I've tryed the spagetti it wasn't that good.

Wonka's Three-Course Dinner Gum - Food in Literature | Bryton Taylor

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Doing New Things For Summer

I am really excited for summer of 2014 because of all the new things I get to do. One of the main things I'm excited tot do is go to California for my cousin Zachs high school graduation. Not only do I get to go to California but I also get to fly a plane there which I have also never done before. Another thing I'm trying this summer is a new sport... CHEERLEADING! Unlike my sister I never actually wanted to do cheer when I was little, I got interested in cheer in 6th grade. I am really excited not only because I've been wanting to do it for a while but also because i love trying new sports.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

12 Years A Slave

Should “12 Years a Slave” Win Best Picture? - Mick LaSalle
Today I want to talk about a movie a recently saw called, 12 Years A Slave. This movie was extremely sad it was about a back man who had two children, a wife, a nice home, and who was a free man. Not to long into the movie the man gets tricked by two men that get him drunk, put him to sleep, and when he wakes up he is chained in a room laying on the hard cold floor. The man was very upset about this and kept saying that he was NOT a slave and that he was free, one of the men didn't like this at all so he beat him with a thick paddle until it broke then started whipping him until he got tired. Soon after they sold him to a slave owner. The man lived in a few different plantations during his time as a slave. On one of the plantations one of the white men that worked there offered to write someone a letter so he'd be free again, confused and not knowing if this was a trick he took the offer. Shortly after 2 men showed up to take him back where he belonged, home as a freeman. When he got home his wife and two children were still there. The only difference was that when he got home his children were all grom up  and his daughter was married with a child.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

If I Was Rich

If I was rich there are many things that I would do not only for myself but for family, friends, charity, etc. I think the first thing that I would do if I was rich would be buy my mom a car and a house. The next thing I'd do would be buy my grandma a house next door to me with a stay-at-home nurse ( I think that's what they're called). I would also take all of my family members and my best friend on a cruise ship for at least a week so we could travel a few places. Another thing I'd do is donate to lots of charities and orphanages.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

When I Have Kids I Will Never...

We Aren’t Just Raising Kids | Leadership with Sass
When I have kids there are multiple things the I would never do. I would never let anyone hurt them because if that were to happen I'd feel extremely bad and I would feel responsible for them getting hurt. Also, I'd never let them become some out of control teen that drinks, steals, smokes, etc. I definitely would never allow them to be bully's at school, because I wouldn't want them to grow up thinking that it's okay to hurt people mentally of physically because you never know the outcome.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lincoln Loved Hip-Hop

As we all know Abraham Lincoln absolutely loved Hip-Hop. He's the one who came up with the idea of dances like spinning on your head and stuff, he called it "getting down" but the name was later changed to break-dancing. Lincoln was known for always playing hip-hop music on his boom box while doing important paperwork, he said it helped him concentrate. Many people didn't like this new thing that Lincoln had started while many others found it quite appealing. There was never a time where you did not either see Lincoln holding a boom box or with earbuds in. Lincoln had what he liked to call "swag."

Thursday, April 10, 2014

If I Had To Wear One T-Shirt For The Rest Of My Life

If I had to wear only one t-shirt for the rest of my life (I hope that this never has to happen) I would get a shirt that was at least 1 or 2 sizes too big, in case I get really fat or something. I would want it to be a very thick black shirt with the little black and yellow Batman symbol on it. I also would want it to be one of those revesable shirts so that I could "change it up" every once in a while.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

If I Was A Dog

Will I EVER find out who's a good boy? - Misc - quickmeme
I think that I was a dog that it would be pretty awesome but lame at the same time. It would be awesome because if your owner doesn't take you outside you can just go to the bathroom on the floor, you never have to go get your own food or water, pretty much everyone loves you, etc. But it would be lame because your owner might forget to feed you one day, people cant understand what you're saying, you cant go handout with other dogs whenever you want ( unless there's another dog in the house). But if I were I dog, I would go around destroying everything; peoples faces, couches, tables, beds, etc.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Things You Can Do With Your Kids On A Snow Day

10 Things Your Kids Will Do if They Are Having A Snow Day In Gifs
Things You Can Do With Your Kids On A Snow Day
  • Have a snowball fight.
  • Play board games.
  • Make a snowman.
  • Do Arts & Crafts.
  • Play in the snow.
  • Bake cookies.
  • Drink hot chocolate and watch movies.
  • Tell scary stories.
  • Play cards.
  • Play ice hockey.
  • Make snow angels.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

My Future Robot Servant

In the future I believe that technology is going to be so unbelievable that its ridiculous, I believe that there's going to be things such as flying cars, digital passports, etc. I especially think that sooner or later someone is going to design a robot that is basically used as a servant for humans. Honestly, someone is probably working on one right now as much as they've been in cartoons and have been talked about!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Wedding Bells

Terrible Form |
This Friday is very important to me because, my cousin is getting married and I get to be a junior bridesmaid! I cant wait I'm excited, happy, and nervous all in one. I'm excited because I get to be apart of the wedding, happy because my cousin is getting married to someone she really loves, and nervous because I'm afraid I might mess up. But honestly, I'm just really shocked that my cousin is actually getting married more than anything. I'm not shocked because I cant believe someone is actually marrying her but because she's getting married, out of all of the boyfriends she's had I had only met one when I was 5! So, it was weird anyway when she got a boyfriend that I saw all the time and especially when they moved in together.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Family Guy & American Dad

I know that a lot of parents and adults think that Family Guy & American Dad are inappropriate shows for kids, and yes it can be sometimes. But kids are going to end up  learning "inappropriate" from friends, kids at school, etc. I just think that a lot of parents should just let their kids watch it anyways, its a very good show. Its really entertaining for almost all ages. And if you're ever in a bad mood & feel like laughing Family Guy or American Dad would be some good shows to put on just to cheer you up.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Pick-n-Pat: Hairstory in the Making: Black History: My Top 10 fave Movies
My opinion about the movie Pride is that its really good so far. There are a lot of sad & racist parts though. I thought that it was really sad when Frankie, was yelling at the boy who stuttered because he accidentally broke his radio. And I also was upset when Frankie was making him get into the car because he "owed him" for the radio incident. But I do think that this movie does make you feel a lot for the characters. And there is also a lot of racism not only from the white people in the movie but also from the black people in the movie. So, I think the racism comes from both sides, but that the white people are just a little more extreme with it. I think all of the people on the swim team were proud & happy when they came out for the swim meet and saw a lot of people cheering them on. I also think that they were disappointed and angry when the other team left. But they have to much pride to give up and quit so they swam without the team. Then after all of that happened it shows PDR going to multiple different meets, being interviewed by reporters, winning meets, etc. And one time during an interview at the PDR's swim center they walk into a destroyed building, where Frankie & a few of his friends decided to ruin the center. When the coach saw Frankie & the other guys doing this he became extremely upset & angry so decided to push Frankie (who cant swim) into the pool & punch the others who were helping Frankie. After he was finished with Frankie's friends he jumped into the pool and started to beat him up. When they got to regionals I was curious why he didn't actually watch the meet I knew why he didn't coach just not why he didn't watch it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spoiled Kids

spoiled-kids -
I think that the worst thing a parent could do to their kid is spoil them to much; give them whatever they want, always tell them what they want to hear, let them go wherever, and let them do whatever. The reason I think this is the worst thing a parent could do to a child is because if during their entire childhood everything goes the way they want it to, that's what they're going to expect when they have to start doing things on their own. They could end up losing a lot of good opportunities if they're acting childish because they cant do what they want at a job.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Busy Weekend

June | 2011 | Laneve's Blog
This weekend I have a lot of things to do; Throw a surprise Sweet 16 for my friend Erica, finish missing assignments, help my grandma move, and go to Lydia Dean's party. Even though 2 out of the 4 things are fun, it's still pretty stressful having so many things to do in only 3 days. Plus the fact that I think I may be catching a cold doesn't really make the idea of a busy weekend sound fun.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Why I Cant Wait For This Summer

I'm not sure about everyone else at school, but I honestly cant wait for summer break. I'm so excited for the warm weather, to be able to go to Six Flags again, going swimming, etc. But the main reason I cant wait until Summer is because I get to go to California for a week. My family and are I are going there to visit my aunt, uncle, and my cousins.

Friday, February 21, 2014


I Heard He’s Good At Coding | Cutest Paw
For my opinion about coding, personally I don't like it. The reason I don't like it is because its confusing & its also kind of boring. Honestly I'm not really sure what I learned from it, I was usually confused the entire time & kind of just went with it. Something that I think would be cool to learn next is how to make a website.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What I Wont Forget About Being This Age

Stock Illustration - A father and son arguing
One thing that I'm absolutely sure I wont forget about being this age is, sometimes it gets really stressful. It gets stressful sometimes like when you're arguing with your parents and/ or siblings a lot, getting behind on your homework, fighting with friends, etc. And I think that a lot of adults forget that because they probably believe that they were just being over dramatic about most things. I also think that because they are older now they most likely believe that their parents were right about everything they said, but I'm sure they thought differently as a kid.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Kansas City's Verrückt Water Slide

On a hot summer day, when you're sitting at home trying to keep cool, do ever think about going to Kansas, MO? Yeah, most people don't. If you're looking for a fun day in the sun Kansas might just be the place to be this summer, well that is if you're not afraid of heights. On May 23, 2014 Verrückt Water Slide, the worlds tallest water slide will be open for business. You may have heard that Brazil's Insano is the worlds tallest water slide, but not for long. Verrückt is 17-stories high, which means, Verrückt beat Brazil's water slides height by 3-stories. So, like I said if you're afraid of heights, like me, this may not be the water slide for you, which is why I do not plan on getting on that slide anytime soon, but hey, I'm sure there will be plenty of others who would enjoy it! If you're wondering who the creator of this "insane" slide is, that would be Mr. Jeff Henry. Jeff is also known as the 'Wizard of Water' for his insane water rides.

Kansas City's Verrückt Water Slide Is Insane (Literally)! - Kids News Article

  • Radical- There were some radical changes in his behavior.
  • Propelled- My report card propelled me to do better next quarter.
  • Mulling- She mulled over if she should move or not.
  • Hurtling- Her favorite part about cheer was hurtling.
  • Illuminate- A frown illuminated on her face.
  • Extensive- The house was a very extensive area.
  • Welded- The metal in the classroom welds very easily.
  • Surpasses- She surpassed all her other teammates in volleyball.
  • Speculate- She speculated the question.



Thursday, January 30, 2014

Micro Windmills!

Micro Windmills could be coming to your home soon. Helping power things such as the lights in your house, your phone, etc. They were thought of & created by Jung-Chih Chiao & Smitha Rao. Chiao says that a couple thousand of these tiny windmills should be enough to power the security or the communication and lighting system of a single family home. This researcher also plans on selling them in packs of 100 for use as emergency cell phone chargers. But don't get too excited, these 1.8 mm sized windmills aren't exactly for sell yet. Chiao & Rao are still brainstorming with Taiwanese manufacturer WinMems Technologies Co., about bringing these micro energy producers to market. For now, no one is quite sure if we'll be using Micro Windmills anytime soon. But I guess we'll see what the future holds!
  • Harnessing- She put a harness on her pet horse, Buttercup.
  • Contemplate- He contemplated his decision about switching classes.
  • Arduous- They planned a long arduous journey for Saturday morning. 
  • Prototype- She made a prototype of the car she had designed.
  • Withstand- He tried to withstand the temptation of going outside instead of working.
  • Wafer- Tiffany loves when her mom makes her special vanilla biscuit wafers.
  • Assert- He asserted his innocence of the crime.
  • Patent- He grabbed his favorite patent leather shoes for church.
  • Durable- The product was very durable, but she still wasn't sure if she wanted to pay so much for it
These Ultra-Cute Micro Windmills May Soon Charge Your Devices - Kids News Article