Thursday, March 27, 2014

My Future Robot Servant

In the future I believe that technology is going to be so unbelievable that its ridiculous, I believe that there's going to be things such as flying cars, digital passports, etc. I especially think that sooner or later someone is going to design a robot that is basically used as a servant for humans. Honestly, someone is probably working on one right now as much as they've been in cartoons and have been talked about!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Wedding Bells

Terrible Form |
This Friday is very important to me because, my cousin is getting married and I get to be a junior bridesmaid! I cant wait I'm excited, happy, and nervous all in one. I'm excited because I get to be apart of the wedding, happy because my cousin is getting married to someone she really loves, and nervous because I'm afraid I might mess up. But honestly, I'm just really shocked that my cousin is actually getting married more than anything. I'm not shocked because I cant believe someone is actually marrying her but because she's getting married, out of all of the boyfriends she's had I had only met one when I was 5! So, it was weird anyway when she got a boyfriend that I saw all the time and especially when they moved in together.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Family Guy & American Dad

I know that a lot of parents and adults think that Family Guy & American Dad are inappropriate shows for kids, and yes it can be sometimes. But kids are going to end up  learning "inappropriate" from friends, kids at school, etc. I just think that a lot of parents should just let their kids watch it anyways, its a very good show. Its really entertaining for almost all ages. And if you're ever in a bad mood & feel like laughing Family Guy or American Dad would be some good shows to put on just to cheer you up.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Pick-n-Pat: Hairstory in the Making: Black History: My Top 10 fave Movies
My opinion about the movie Pride is that its really good so far. There are a lot of sad & racist parts though. I thought that it was really sad when Frankie, was yelling at the boy who stuttered because he accidentally broke his radio. And I also was upset when Frankie was making him get into the car because he "owed him" for the radio incident. But I do think that this movie does make you feel a lot for the characters. And there is also a lot of racism not only from the white people in the movie but also from the black people in the movie. So, I think the racism comes from both sides, but that the white people are just a little more extreme with it. I think all of the people on the swim team were proud & happy when they came out for the swim meet and saw a lot of people cheering them on. I also think that they were disappointed and angry when the other team left. But they have to much pride to give up and quit so they swam without the team. Then after all of that happened it shows PDR going to multiple different meets, being interviewed by reporters, winning meets, etc. And one time during an interview at the PDR's swim center they walk into a destroyed building, where Frankie & a few of his friends decided to ruin the center. When the coach saw Frankie & the other guys doing this he became extremely upset & angry so decided to push Frankie (who cant swim) into the pool & punch the others who were helping Frankie. After he was finished with Frankie's friends he jumped into the pool and started to beat him up. When they got to regionals I was curious why he didn't actually watch the meet I knew why he didn't coach just not why he didn't watch it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spoiled Kids

spoiled-kids -
I think that the worst thing a parent could do to their kid is spoil them to much; give them whatever they want, always tell them what they want to hear, let them go wherever, and let them do whatever. The reason I think this is the worst thing a parent could do to a child is because if during their entire childhood everything goes the way they want it to, that's what they're going to expect when they have to start doing things on their own. They could end up losing a lot of good opportunities if they're acting childish because they cant do what they want at a job.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Busy Weekend

June | 2011 | Laneve's Blog
This weekend I have a lot of things to do; Throw a surprise Sweet 16 for my friend Erica, finish missing assignments, help my grandma move, and go to Lydia Dean's party. Even though 2 out of the 4 things are fun, it's still pretty stressful having so many things to do in only 3 days. Plus the fact that I think I may be catching a cold doesn't really make the idea of a busy weekend sound fun.