Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Those Tracks...

               I remember those tracks from when I was little and i was in the snow with my friends. Then we were just teenagers always walking every were we wanted to go. One day we walked right by the train tracks for the very first time in the snow. The snow fell and as we walked on the soft white fresh blanket of snow it crunched leaving are tracks behind, and the snow filling those wholes little by little, inch by inch. Me and my friends were talking and heading home to get ready fro tomorrow and for a sleep over at my house. We tried to walk on those train tracks but always fell off. So we quiet and went to my house.


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lisa Lopez from TLC

             Lisa Lopez was a role model to me. I don't really know why though. I just have always liked her. Her nick name was very famous when she was a kid because of the way she had her glasses. And what i really liked about her was how much she stood out from her group TLC. She was always more different then the other to of her group. And I loved how she wasn't afraid to be different in her time. She had died when I was two years old. but I still lover her as an artist. She is and always will be one of the best singers to me. If shes were here today I would love to see and meet her I wish she were here or I was born in her time and friends with her. We would probably best friends but i will always love her.
A BadGal Says - TheSUSS: Remembering Lisa Lopes - Crazy Sexy Cool

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

After my heroic act


                     After my heroic act I was well known. Everyone told me,"Not every person would do what you did so that makes you even more special especially for a girl." Which kind of insulted me and all girls my age or of any age for that fact. I know that some people wouldn't do what I did. But I don't think that makes me even more of a hero. After a just two days i was the talk of the town. But to tell the truth my town is really small as in everyone knows everyone kind of small. Anyhow it was kind of good but bad because i don't like a lot of attention.
Cartoon Photo Collection: July 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Posting and bored

I am posting and im bored. I want cake because im o so very hungry i wish i had some food right now. I want to go home so i can read on this website called Wattpad. Kids can read and write there own stories its cool. i want to watch anime and go to sleep. I want some skittles to.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Two awesome things

              Two words I would think that make an awesome is Super Robin The Girl version. I think that another girl super hero. there aren't many super heroes that are girls. i wish that i was a girl super hero. girls now are super heroes that are her today because they are girls who love themselves and help people. So i guess that would make me a super hero that it a girl.