Tuesday, October 30, 2012

This picture

Picture from Here

This image on the left reminds me of the Holocaust. It reminds me of the Holocaust because the soldiers would load Jews into a train and no matter how little space they would have to board. They barely got any food or water on the trips to the concentration camps, and had to go to the bathroom in buckets. Once they got to the concentration camps it didn't get better, any small children or elderly would be put in lines and immediately be taken to the gas chamber. Then the of age would be examined to make sure they could work. Once examined they would be taken to small rooms with beds that looked like shelves stacked on top of each other and along the whole wall. Sometimes the rooms would be so cramped with people that everyone would have to face the same way on their side just so everyone could have somewhere to sleep and didn't have to stand up. So sometimes whenever I have a hard job that i don't want to do i just think of the people in the concentration camps and gather my strength to push through.