Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Pets

I have eleven pets. I know, that's a lot, but I love animals. I have five birds, four cats and two mice. The birds' names are: Layla, Larry, Trixie, Bat-Man and Robin. I blame my brother for the last two names, they names were his choice. My cats' names are: Dexter, Key-Key, Kitty Kitty, and T.C., which stands for Tom-Cat. Kitty Kitty and T.C. are the outside cats, my dad says they're not allowed inside 'til we get rid of the inside cats, which I really hope we don't. And, finally, my mice's names are: Teddi and Rolly-Poly. Teddi's my mouse and Rolly-Poly is my brother's. My dad isn't a huge fan of us having pet mice, but he let us keep them.

This is what my cat Dexter looks like.
Picture From Here

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