Thursday, October 13, 2011

Getting Contacts

So, next week, I'm getting my first set of contacts. I can't get them right away because I have to take a class about wearing them. I think that's kinda pointless, but I have to take it. I'm gonna be able to wear them and not my glasses, It's gonna be weird for a few days, but I'll get used to them. All of my friends are going to have to get used to me with out my glasses, I've had to wear them since fourth grade, so they're gonna be pretty surprised to see me with out my glasses. Hopfully, I'll be able to get colored contacts after a while.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What I Liked About Technology Class

I liked alot of things about this class, one of my favorites was when I got to walk around and help people. I was one of the first three star-students and I got to walk around and help the other students with their study guides. It was fun because Jordan, Austin and I got to be the first three who got to help people, besides Mrs. Debolt. I liked being able to help the others and check their answers, it was fun. I really liked this class this year, and I really wish I had it every other quarter, like I had last year. But, that would mean that I wouldn't have chorus as much this year.

Picture From Here

Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Pets

I have eleven pets. I know, that's a lot, but I love animals. I have five birds, four cats and two mice. The birds' names are: Layla, Larry, Trixie, Bat-Man and Robin. I blame my brother for the last two names, they names were his choice. My cats' names are: Dexter, Key-Key, Kitty Kitty, and T.C., which stands for Tom-Cat. Kitty Kitty and T.C. are the outside cats, my dad says they're not allowed inside 'til we get rid of the inside cats, which I really hope we don't. And, finally, my mice's names are: Teddi and Rolly-Poly. Teddi's my mouse and Rolly-Poly is my brother's. My dad isn't a huge fan of us having pet mice, but he let us keep them.

This is what my cat Dexter looks like.
Picture From Here

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What I'd do with $100

If I had $100, but couldn't keep it, I'd give it to Rachel's Challenge. It would help them with advertising their cause. The could make more posters, send more people to talk about it at different schools, and all kinds of different advertisements. I think they'd get a lot more people to help with the cause. I also think they'd love having the extra money for the cause.

Picture From Here

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I'm typing with one hand...

Ok, so, yesterday after 7th hour, I was walking out to my bus when an eigth grader started running toward the building. He ran into me, knocking my stuff out of my hands and crushing my left hand in the process. I got the right side of my left hand hurt and it makes it harder to type with two hands. So, right now I'm only typing with my right hand. My parents said my hand would be better in a few days, so that's a good thing, right? I should be able to type with both hands by Monday.

Picture From Here

This is like what I have to do, but I have to support my thumb more.
Mine is also just a bandage, not a cast.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Everyone needs help at one time or another. Like today, I helped my friend Sam open her locker because she was having trouble with her lock. It's nice to help others and it makes you feel good when you have. Helping people isn't that big of a task, so I don't see why people don't help each other out more often. It would be a part of the kindness chain reaction. I think the world would be a lot better if everybody helped each other out more.

Picture From Here

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Invader Zim

Invader Zim is one of the most epic t.v. shows ever my opinion at least. The show's about an alien who made a complete fool out of the Irken race. He was supposed to be banished to Foodcourtia, the odd planet of food. He 'quit being banished' so he could have an assignment from the leaders, also known as The All Mighy Tallest. He was sent to earth as a new punishment, but her thought it was a real assignment. With the help of his robot minion, Gir, he brings 'terror' to planet earth.
Picture From Here

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Here's what I know about 9/11, even though I was only three when it happened.

9/11 was a horrible day, four planes were taken over by terrorists. Two of the planes were flown into the World Trade Center. Another was flown into a field in Pennsylvania, it was originally going to his the capital building, but someone tried to stop the people who over-took the plane. Almost three thousand people died that day.

Now, at Ground Zero, there's a memorial for everybody who lost their lives on 9/11. It consists of two pools of water where the towers used to stand, and every name of the people who was lost that day. I think it was a wonderful idea to make the memorial.

Picture From Here

Thursday, September 8, 2011

More About Me

I love animals, reading, drawing and writing. I have a lot of pets, eleven all together. I have always loved animals, and I have always had pets. I'm currently reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. It's a really good book, so far. I draw a lot in my spare time, I usually draw characters from books or t.v. shows, I draw animals a lot too. I love writing, I do that in my spare time as well, that's one of the reasons I like CA class. I like CA, but Chorus is my favorite subject this year, because of the teacher, he's really funny and nice. That's pretty much all I got, sooo....See ya.

Picture From Here

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


This blog is for my seventh grade technology class.
Picture From Here

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This qurter in Mrs. debolt's class

I liked this class the thing I liked most about this class was learing how to type faster then I did befor I came to this class the thing I did not like about this class was when I got a hotsheet that was the thing I did not like about this class.


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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Going to my ants house

I am going to my ants house this weekend and I am going to have fun because she lives by the  mall and I think I  am going to get my phone back so I  am happy because I am going to my ants andI might get my phone back so that is why I am so happy about this weekend.

        picture from here

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nicholas ll

I think it is better to be smart because if you are smart you would be better at a lot of stuff because one time I had to be smart for a quiz that was not that hard but you had to know when the test was talking about so that is why I think it is better to be smart then work hard.
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Thursday, May 5, 2011

hanging with friends

I am planing to hang with friends this weekend maybe go to the movies hang at my house or hang at there house but I dont know yet what  I  doing this weekend so I  guss i have to find out one way a nother but I might just sleep in all day on sunday i know i am doing that for sure.

              picture from here

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

send situation

I hit the send button to my mom and it was a picture and it was to the wrong person I did not mean to send it to me mom I  was trying to send it to a friend and the good thing about it is I  told her that i was trying to send it to a friend and she was good with it and it was a bad picture but she was godd with me when i told her about it.

picture from here

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I just had to move in class because my computer was giving me problems and i am in the front of the class.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First wether report

I would get the wether from the internet or just look at the news or my phone and I think it would be pretty hard to get the wether without the internet or geting it off my phone and I would not know what was going on with the wether if i did not have those things.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Booker T.Washingtion

When Washington said if you want to be lifted lift someone else you have to lift them first and they will lift you back or he meant if you help someone they will help you back.

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Monday, April 18, 2011

About Me

Here's somethings about me i am 13 years old i like to play in fields with my dog hang out wit my friends I like to go on vacation with my family to many places i like to be in plains high i the air going to different places my favorite color's are BLUE,RED and PURPLE I don't really play sports because I kind of don't like them that much I have 3 sisters 2 younger than me and the other sister is older than me so that means I am the middle child and I get whatever I want well maybe not everything i want I have 2 cats and 1 big dog and my MOM is thinking to Las Vegas with her boyfriend and i don't really like that idea very much because i don't want to leave all my friends.

Friday, April 15, 2011


picture from here

This blog is for computer class