Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Doing New Things For Summer

I am really excited for summer of 2014 because of all the new things I get to do. One of the main things I'm excited tot do is go to California for my cousin Zachs high school graduation. Not only do I get to go to California but I also get to fly a plane there which I have also never done before. Another thing I'm trying this summer is a new sport... CHEERLEADING! Unlike my sister I never actually wanted to do cheer when I was little, I got interested in cheer in 6th grade. I am really excited not only because I've been wanting to do it for a while but also because i love trying new sports.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

12 Years A Slave

Should “12 Years a Slave” Win Best Picture? - Mick LaSalle
Today I want to talk about a movie a recently saw called, 12 Years A Slave. This movie was extremely sad it was about a back man who had two children, a wife, a nice home, and who was a free man. Not to long into the movie the man gets tricked by two men that get him drunk, put him to sleep, and when he wakes up he is chained in a room laying on the hard cold floor. The man was very upset about this and kept saying that he was NOT a slave and that he was free, one of the men didn't like this at all so he beat him with a thick paddle until it broke then started whipping him until he got tired. Soon after they sold him to a slave owner. The man lived in a few different plantations during his time as a slave. On one of the plantations one of the white men that worked there offered to write someone a letter so he'd be free again, confused and not knowing if this was a trick he took the offer. Shortly after 2 men showed up to take him back where he belonged, home as a freeman. When he got home his wife and two children were still there. The only difference was that when he got home his children were all grom up  and his daughter was married with a child.