Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What I learned In Technology.

In technology I have learned how to do a lot of different things. I have learned how to us movie maker I thought making a movie was going to be really hard to do. I learned about Easy bib I thought that it was confusing at first but then I got us to it and I got the hang of it. I also learned how to us zoom in and out on movie maker. Another thing that I learned is how to find the title on pictures that was also confusing at first as well.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Oh My Gosh What Should I Write About?

Today I am going to write about people. People are starting to get on my nerves. I am a very nice person but they start to take advantage of that. I also have people that I talk to that are my "friends" because I'm don't really like them all that much, but I don't want to be mean and hurt there feelings. I feel like I'm just there for then when they need something. Like help on homework, book fines, etc. It's like the most responsible things and little thing they need from me and sometimes I want to say no and give them a hint but they just don't take it.

This is how I feel about my friends.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

My Snow Day!

On my snow day all I did was read. I didn't go outside and I didn't drink hot cocoa because I don't like it. I'm not like the other kids I don't really like snow or the cold. I pushed my brother in the snow though and i danced and sang and jumped all around the house which was fun. Okay I'm lying, it was really boring and I didn't have anyone to hang out with. So over my weekend I prayed for school to come and it not to snow anymore over the weekend. I swear if we get out of school early or have no school because of snow again i will seriously die!

Me At Home.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Christmas Decorations

When I found out that they were my decorations I had it all planned out perfectly. Well.... at least I thought i did. I was sure to crack the door and to keep quite. I had to be very quite like a hunter hunting deer. I brought a couple of boxes with me to so it would be easier to carry. But there was something that I forgot about. Something that could ruin my plan. The light to the garage. I shone so bright that it almost blinded me in the dark night.

My Christmas Decorations