Thursday, October 13, 2011

Getting Contacts

So, next week, I'm getting my first set of contacts. I can't get them right away because I have to take a class about wearing them. I think that's kinda pointless, but I have to take it. I'm gonna be able to wear them and not my glasses, It's gonna be weird for a few days, but I'll get used to them. All of my friends are going to have to get used to me with out my glasses, I've had to wear them since fourth grade, so they're gonna be pretty surprised to see me with out my glasses. Hopfully, I'll be able to get colored contacts after a while.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What I Liked About Technology Class

I liked alot of things about this class, one of my favorites was when I got to walk around and help people. I was one of the first three star-students and I got to walk around and help the other students with their study guides. It was fun because Jordan, Austin and I got to be the first three who got to help people, besides Mrs. Debolt. I liked being able to help the others and check their answers, it was fun. I really liked this class this year, and I really wish I had it every other quarter, like I had last year. But, that would mean that I wouldn't have chorus as much this year.

Picture From Here