Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This qurter in Mrs. debolt's class

I liked this class the thing I liked most about this class was learing how to type faster then I did befor I came to this class the thing I did not like about this class was when I got a hotsheet that was the thing I did not like about this class.


                                                                                                                                    picture from here

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Going to my ants house

I am going to my ants house this weekend and I am going to have fun because she lives by the  mall and I think I  am going to get my phone back so I  am happy because I am going to my ants andI might get my phone back so that is why I am so happy about this weekend.

        picture from here

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nicholas ll

I think it is better to be smart because if you are smart you would be better at a lot of stuff because one time I had to be smart for a quiz that was not that hard but you had to know when the test was talking about so that is why I think it is better to be smart then work hard.
                    picture from here 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

hanging with friends

I am planing to hang with friends this weekend maybe go to the movies hang at my house or hang at there house but I dont know yet what  I  doing this weekend so I  guss i have to find out one way a nother but I might just sleep in all day on sunday i know i am doing that for sure.

              picture from here

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

send situation

I hit the send button to my mom and it was a picture and it was to the wrong person I did not mean to send it to me mom I  was trying to send it to a friend and the good thing about it is I  told her that i was trying to send it to a friend and she was good with it and it was a bad picture but she was godd with me when i told her about it.

picture from here